Finding Home Through Food: A study of food in Jewish tradition & culture


A research into the importance of food in Jewish tradition & culture explored via the two films "Dough sticks to my kitchen counter every week" & "being nourished, feeling home". This research dives into collective and individual experiences, united by their diversity, exploring topics such as memories, traditions, rituals, belonging, and communality.

sometimes it pains me to be Jewish

What pains me even more is the moments I am scared to be proud of it. The moments in which I hold back and decide not to tell people about my Jewishness.

“My mother told me really seriously: ‘when you go to Uni and when you come to The Hague, be careful with your Magen David [necklace]. Be careful, try to... not to ‘hide’ , but to be more private about that.’
But I had the dilemma of ‘shoud I hide this part of my identity?’ -  because I do consider it part of my identity - ‘Or should I just be honest?’ If you’re upfront about it, you create space for dialogue. And I feel like that’s the first step into getting our stories heard and our perspectives seen.”

(interview extracts conducted for the film
“dough sticks to my kitchen counter every week”)

“UNFOLDING TERRITORIES” - group exhibition by The Cockroach Collective.
On view at The Grey Space in the Middle, The Hague, Jan 20 - 23, 2022.

“On Food, Conviviality and Cultures“ - international group exhibition by LoosenArt.
On view at Millepiani, Rome, Mar 24th - Apr 13th, 2023.